Back in November, I was invited to take part in an entrepreneur-centric event in my city called STL Startup Week.
I knew I’d talk about how I ended up running a cocktail business and what all that entails, but it also felt important to cover how hard and emotionally draining it is. To that end, I felt it was important to talk about the “fuel” I’ve found that sustains me when the going gets tough.
When we start a business, I think it’s also important to ask, “Why am I even doing this?” Is this for money, fame, because I feel pressure, because I want to, or something else? For the toll it takes, I worry about people making the decisions for reasons that are about money, fame, or impressing others.
We’re at a time in history when entrepreneurship is being lionized. It’s hard and perhaps admirable. But, I also believe that running a company is not a more ennobled path. It is simply a path. We need to be honest with ourselves because life is too short to be doing things for others.
In the talk, I mention a Google Doc with links, quotes, etc. You can access it here.
If you want to watch the talk instead👇.
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