Decoding Cocktails's Substack
Decoding Cocktails
Podcast ep. 60: Ben Branson, founder of Seedlip

Podcast ep. 60: Ben Branson, founder of Seedlip

You're not paying for the ABV

Ben Branson (@Seedlip_Ben) launched Seedlip, the world’s first non-alcoholic spirit in 2015. Today it is available in roughly 25 countries and because it carries the designation non-alcoholic, it can be easily shipped to your door in the mail.

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Seedlip has four products, with its most recent launch being Notas de Agave, which is only sold in the US. They have an AI tool named Elli, which can help you decide what to buy and how to use it.

The two biggest takeaways from my conversation were: 1) a drink whether it has alcohol or not, deserves the same amount of care and attention. 2) when you buy a drink, are you paying for the ABV or the flavor and experience?

According to IWSR, the non-alcoholic market is now worth more than $13 billion. Ben believes there will be upcoming consolidations in the market as it balloons, but the overall trend is upward.

Ben mentioned a 17th-century document, The Art of Distillation, which helped him learn how to make basic non-alcoholic products.

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